At Property Scan – Your Home, Your Health, we rarely come across huge 📉 negative deviations from standard RADON ☢ levels. As a matter of fact, only a dozen times so far we have had very serious concerns about basement floors. In one specific case, we have been measuring #radon for about a month. It turned out that in the basement floor we were reading normal values (below 100 Bq/m3) when the professional ventilation system was running, and the remarkable 400-500 Bq/m3, with peaks of nearly 1500 Bq/m3 when the ventilation was not running on a regular basis.
☝ In cases like this the recommendation we give to our customers is to actively and regularly ventilate the living spaces, to thoroughly clean household dust, which is the main convection “engine” of radon proliferation. When ventilating, if possible, to always have a low point on the floor wide open – preferably a door, in order to allow radon, which is heavier that the other gasses, to leave the premises efficiently.